World Health Organisation
The Delivery
Social, Digital
To create an opening sequence for a digital time capsule that celebrates the tireless journey of dedicated men and women who, against all odds reached the most vulnerable communities on our plant to deliver the previous COVID-19 vaccines
To capture this selfless human act from extraordinary individuals, we knew we needed a simple visual device to connect the incredible diversity of landscapes they had to travel through in reaching the most remote villages. We used the humble icebox that was slung across our heroes bodies with the life-saving contents inside as the focal point of the narration. An anchor, a lifeline that stays in the centre of screen connecting the rich tapestry of diverse landscapes: deserts, jungles, everglades, ice fields and mountains together as we glimpse real photographs inside the icebox from those remarkable journeys in reaching the ‘ends of the earth’ to have the most profound impact on people's lives.
Client: Daylight Group, NZ
Audio: Zelig
Year: 2023
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