


Social, Instore, OOH

To breathe new life into the iconic ‘Yes’ brand and transform it from a singular 2D mnemonic into adaptable, emotive 3D idents. The aim to create a design language that occupies a more sophisticated and immersive space, embodying the essence of the Optus network—characterized by lightness, positivity, and constant movement.


Optus represents clarity and fluidity, connecting and enhancing the lives of millions of Australians every day across the diverse landscapes. This inspired us to integrate the ‘Yes’ mark into various landscapes and sensations of Australian life, which we call the ‘Poetic Spaces.’ 

Afternoon Breeze —Captures the fresh wind that comes through and breaks the heat in the late afternoon.

Shallow Shorelines — Evokes the serenity of shallow sandy waters where families play all day underneath the sun.

Rolling Outback — Celebrates the rugged, harsh beauty of the endless Australian desert that you can drive through for days on end.

Urban Reflection — Captures the vibrant energy of urban life, with man made materials reflecting the first light of day.

Each of the idents works as a loop from left to right to capture the flow of the ‘yes’ and a sense of lightness to with little moments of time, putting you in an emotional state of optimism. Together, these ideants not only visually elevate the brand’s identity but also resonate with the unique experiences that define the Optus brand.




Client: Re Agency, Australia

Audio: Zelig

Year: 2020

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